Category: News

  • Combat Jobs Open to All Service Members

    Dec 3, 2015
    The U.S. military opens combat positions to women Today will go down as a historic day in military justice circles. The Secretary of Defense has opened all combat occupational specialties to women. Policy arguments aside. A whole host of new legal questions are sure to flow from this decision.For example, will all women now be...
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  • Spence’s Op’ed in USA Today

    Nov 29, 2015
    Garry Spence authored an interesting op-ed in USA Today. I attended the Death Penalty Seminar at Spence’s Trial Lawyers’ College. He is, without question, one of the great defense attorneys of our time. I have very little to disagree with in Spence’s op-ed. He cites to Mullenix v. Luna. Luna was a case involving a drunk driver fleeing...
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  • Investigating Officer Appointed in the Kunduz Hospital Bombing Case

    Nov 24, 2015
    An investigating officer has been appointed to investigate the bombing of the hospital in Kunduz. I have previously been quoted in the Washington Examiner that it’s going to be hard to identify individuals responsible. Targeting decisions are such a complex and high-level process. Assigning criminal liability will be difficult. But, I’m sure this will end some careers. See...
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