Category: Coast Guard Courts Martial

  • 2019 Court-Material Changes – Military Court-Martial Lawyers

    Dec 23, 2018
    NEW 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL PDF Presidential OrderPart I, PreamblePart II, Rules for Courts-MartialPart III, Military Rules of EvidencePart IV, Punitive ArticlesPart V, Nonjudicial PunishmentAppendixSupplementary MaterialsNon-binding Guidance Changes to Jury Selection in 2019Here are the major changes to military practice for 2019. This is a very simplified guide to give potential accused members a general...
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  • What are The Wheeler Factors

    Feb 16, 2017
    Among the matters you should consider are: [appropriate selections may be made from the following list] The accused’s age. The accused’s good military character as evidenced by Defense Exhibit(s) _____ and the testimony of _______. The accused’s record in the service for good conduct. The prior honorable discharge(s) of the accused. The combat record of...
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  • False Allegations And Deception in The Law – Part I

    Feb 1, 2017
    I was recently at Fort Carson, Colorado. I came across a flyer from the Department of Justice titled “False Allegations of Adult Crimes Reference Guide.” The flyer has prompted me to write about false allegations and deception. This Part I will provide the data from the Department of Justice. The data apparently came from the...
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  • Detecting Lies and Deceit in the Military – Part II

    Feb 1, 2017
    In Part I of this blog series, I posted some data from the Department of Justice on false allegations. In Part II, I’ll discuss the literature on detecting lies. In Part III, we talk about nonverbal deception and facial expressions. In Part IV, I’ll talk about false confessions. I’ve spent the better part of the past decade studying...
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  • Firm Court-Martial Results for 2016

    Dec 23, 2016
    Mr. Conway following a full acquittal at Fort Carson. It’s that time of year where we can look back and evaluate our results in trial for the year. On our results page, we’ve posted short summaries of all of the courts-martial that Mr. Conway appeared in. We may be the only firm that provides end of year litigation statistics....
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