Category: Army Courts Martial

  • 2019 Court-Material Punishment Chart

    Jan 16, 2019
    CONTACT US! We receive a number of inquiries every month about maximum punishments under the Manual for Courts-Martial. Here is the maximum punishment chart for 2019. 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL COURT MARTIAL PUNISHMENT CHART
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  • 2019 Court-Material Changes – Military Court-Martial Lawyers

    Dec 23, 2018
    NEW 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL PDF Presidential OrderPart I, PreamblePart II, Rules for Courts-MartialPart III, Military Rules of EvidencePart IV, Punitive ArticlesPart V, Nonjudicial PunishmentAppendixSupplementary MaterialsNon-binding Guidance Changes to Jury Selection in 2019Here are the major changes to military practice for 2019. This is a very simplified guide to give potential accused members a general...
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  • 2019 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial

    Sep 28, 2018
    New 2019 Manual for Courts-Martial PDF Presidential Order For those interested, here are some Army training materials on the new amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial. This is an executive summary of the major changes to military law starting in January 2019. Over the next three months, we’ll be updating our page, our book, and...
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  • Experiment Showing Potential for Error at the Military Drug Labs

    Jun 20, 2018
    Yesterday we received a Brady notice regarding the military drug labs. Brady, of course, is a landmark Supreme Court case holding that in a criminal case the Government must turn over to the defense all information that tends to exonerate the accused. Basically, an employee of the military drug labs expressed concern that discrepancy codes at...
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  • Army December 2017 Court-Martial Results Analysis – Favorable Results in Contested Sexual Assault Trials

    Feb 11, 2018
    In December 2017, the Army published results for 35 courts-martial. Given the holiday month, 35 is ten to fifteen trials below average. As a military defense firm, we’re largely tracking how defendants are faring in contested trials. In other words, are juries returning not guilty verdicts. Overall, results in contested sexual assault trials were overwhelmingly favorable...
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  • July 2017 Army Court-Martial Results

    Sep 8, 2017
    July 2017 Army Court-Martial Results On 7 September 2017, Senator Gillibrand – citing data from 2015 involving 4 installations alleged that fewer sexual assault cases are going to trial resulting in fewer convictions. I’m not convinced her data is current. In July 2017, military juries convicted in 100% of the contested sexual assault trials. The...
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  • June 2017 Army Court-Martial Results

    Jul 26, 2017
    Here is our analysis of the June 2017 Army Court-Martial results. In June the total number of court-martials was down. We count 36. We typically expect to see between 40-50+. The summer months are often PCS season and can result in lower volume. There are some obvious trends that we need more observation to explain. 1: More accused...
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  • Army Publishes February 2017 Court-Martial Results – 72% Acquittal Rate in Contested Sexual Assault Trials

    Apr 5, 2017
    On 15 March, the Army published the service-wide court-martial results for February 2017. Here is our analysis.We saw a couple of trends continue. Of the 40 trials, 27 were guilty pleas (67%). That statistic is relatively consistent from month to month. It seems that defense counsel are exercising good judgment (based on our limited information)....
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  • Army January 2017 Court-Martial Results

    Feb 27, 2017
    The Army has published the January 2017 court-martial results. As always, here is our analysis. We count 51 court-martials. I count 35 guilty pleas (68%). I would say total plea bargains were trending slightly above average for January. We’re starting to see – over the last few months – more judge alone trials. I still think the...
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  • What are The Wheeler Factors

    Feb 16, 2017
    Among the matters you should consider are: [appropriate selections may be made from the following list] The accused’s age. The accused’s good military character as evidenced by Defense Exhibit(s) _____ and the testimony of _______. The accused’s record in the service for good conduct. The prior honorable discharge(s) of the accused. The combat record of...
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