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Experiment Showing Potential for Error at the Military Drug Labs
Jun 20, 2018Yesterday we received a Brady notice regarding the military drug labs. Brady, of course, is a landmark Supreme Court case holding that in a criminal case the Government must turn over to the defense all information that tends to exonerate the accused. Basically, an employee of the military drug labs expressed concern that discrepancy codes at...View Article -
Army December 2017 Court-Martial Results Analysis – Favorable Results in Contested Sexual Assault Trials
Feb 11, 2018In December 2017, the Army published results for 35 courts-martial. Given the holiday month, 35 is ten to fifteen trials below average. As a military defense firm, we’re largely tracking how defendants are faring in contested trials. In other words, are juries returning not guilty verdicts. Overall, results in contested sexual assault trials were overwhelmingly favorable...View Article -
Marine Corps Special Operations Command Case
Oct 25, 2017On 4 March 2007, Marine Corps Special Operations Command members came under attack during a deployment to Afghanistan. After engaging the threat, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Counsel later alleged that upwards of 19 civilians were killed and 50 were injured. Mr. Conway and the firm represented one of the Marines involved in engaging the enemy....View Article -
July 2017 Army Court-Martial Results
Sep 8, 2017July 2017 Army Court-Martial Results On 7 September 2017, Senator Gillibrand – citing data from 2015 involving 4 installations alleged that fewer sexual assault cases are going to trial resulting in fewer convictions. I’m not convinced her data is current. In July 2017, military juries convicted in 100% of the contested sexual assault trials. The...View Article -
July 2017 Navy Court-Martial Results
Sep 8, 2017Here is our analysis of the Navy Court-Martial data for July 2017. Like the Army, this is PCS season. Thus, the volume of courts was down. There were 20 Navy courts in July. There were 6 sexual assault trials and 5 acquittals. Navy panels were overwhelmingly voting not guilty in July. Total Courts: 20 Contested Jury Trials: 7 Jury Acquittals:...View Article -
June 2017 Army Court-Martial Results
Jul 26, 2017Here is our analysis of the June 2017 Army Court-Martial results. In June the total number of court-martials was down. We count 36. We typically expect to see between 40-50+. The summer months are often PCS season and can result in lower volume. There are some obvious trends that we need more observation to explain. 1: More accused...View Article -
Air Force Military Training Instructor Sexual Assault Conviction at Lackland AFB Set Aside by Appellate Court – US V. Hills and US V. Silva
Jul 26, 2017Attorney Daniel Conway is a partner in the firm. He has published a Handbook of Military Crimes and Offenses. He has also been featured by nearly every major national news organization. Mr. Conway lives in San Antonio. In 2015, an Air Force Military Training Instructor was convicted of sexually assaulting a trainee. Dozens of Airmen...View Article -
Air Force Military Training Instructor Sexual Assault Convection at Lackland AFB Set Aside by Appellate Court – US V. Hills and US V. Silva
Jul 26, 2017Attorney Daniel Conway is a partner in the firm. He has published a Handbook of Military Crimes and Offenses. He has also been featured by nearly every major national news organization. Mr. Conway lives in San Antonio. In 2015, an Air Force Military Training Instructor was convicted of sexually assaulting a trainee. Dozens of Airmen...View Article -
Air Force Military Training Instructor: Sexual Assault Conviction at Lackland AFB Set Aside by Appellate Court – US V. Hills and US V. Silva
Jul 26, 2017Attorney Daniel Conway is a partner in the firm. He has published a Handbook of Military Crimes and Offenses. He has also been featured by nearly every major national news organization. Mr. Conway lives in San Antonio. In 2015, an Air Force Military Training Instructor was convicted of sexually assaulting a trainee. Dozens of Airmen...View Article -
Board for Correction of Naval Records Accepting Online Applications
Jul 24, 2017The Board for Correction of Naval Records is now updated their webpage to permit online applications.View Article