
Defending Military Members Worldwide

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  • Does the Military Test for CBD

    Jan 28, 2019
    WHAT IS CBD? CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is a derivative of industrial hemp and contains little to no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the substance that military drug labs test for. With little or no THC in most CBD products, it is unlikely a person would fail a military drug test. Contact Daniel Conway & Associates today to...
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  • Military Speedy Trial Rights

    Jan 28, 2019
    Under the US Constitution, an accused enjoys the right to a speedy trial. US v. Danylo, 73 M.J. 183 (C.A.A.F. 2013). A service members 6th Amendment right to a speedy trial triggers upon the preferral of charges or pretrial restraint. That right is also codified in Article 10, UCMJ. Military courts look at 4 issues...
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  • Release from Pretrial Confinement

    Jan 28, 2019
    Under R.C.M. 906 (b)(8), the defense may move the court for relief from pretrial confinement in violation of R.C.M. 305.The defense, as the moving party, has the burden of showing by a preponderance of the evidence that: (1) the 7-day reviewing officer’s decision was an abuse of discretion; or (2) information not presented to the...
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  • Right to Expert Witnesses in a Court-Martial

    Jan 28, 2019
    Expert witnesses can be a critical part of any court-martial. Service members have a right to confidential experts. See United States v. Turner, 28 M.J. 487, 489 (C.M.A. 1989); United States v. King, 32 M.J. 709 (A.C.M.R. 1991). Under R.C.M. 701 (f), their confidential assistance is subject to the attorney-client privilege and the work product privilege.As a matter of military...
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  • Performance Enhancing Drugs

    Jan 26, 2019
    Over the last 10 years, the firm has seen an increasing number of cases involving performance-enhancing drugs, steroids, and banned pro-hormones. The Department of Defense recently adopted the World Anti-Doping list of banned drugs. This has opened up a whole new class of offenses that military members are facing. More often than not, service members are...
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  • 2019 Court-Material Punishment Chart

    Jan 16, 2019
    CONTACT US! We receive a number of inquiries every month about maximum punishments under the Manual for Courts-Martial. Here is the maximum punishment chart for 2019. 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL COURT MARTIAL PUNISHMENT CHART
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  • 2019 Court-Material Changes – Military Court-Martial Lawyers

    Dec 23, 2018
    NEW 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL PDF Presidential OrderPart I, PreamblePart II, Rules for Courts-MartialPart III, Military Rules of EvidencePart IV, Punitive ArticlesPart V, Nonjudicial PunishmentAppendixSupplementary MaterialsNon-binding Guidance Changes to Jury Selection in 2019Here are the major changes to military practice for 2019. This is a very simplified guide to give potential accused members a general...
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  • 2019 Court-Material Changes – Quick Guide

    Dec 23, 2018
    NEW 2019 MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL PDF Presidential Order Changes to Jury Selection in 2019Here are the major changes to military practice for 2019. This is a very simplified guide to give potential accused members a general idea of the changes coming for 2019.Court-Martial CompositionIn 2019, court-martials will have a fixed composition. A General Court-Martial will...
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  • Current Army Board for Correction of Military Records Response Times

    Nov 18, 2018
    The backlog at the Army Board for Correction of Military Records has been an ongoing problem for some time. In the past, the ABCMR has cautioned that responses can take up to a year. Their new standard response has only gotten worse. Ordinarily, our firm communicates with the Case Management Director for updates. It’s a quicker...
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  • False Allegations of Sexual Assault, The Research, and Military Court-Martials

    Oct 9, 2018
    Over the past few we’ve seen an uptick in search terms for our law firm related to false allegations of sexual assault. I’ve written about this topic in the past. With the recent confirmation hearings of Justice Kavanaugh, this is a good time to revisit the topic.I’m writing about this topic from the perspective of a...
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